There is a place I want to go to that has food, family, and shelter. I find these at CHR formerly known as CHEEERS because of the way that CHR treats me like making my family aware of what I want as a manic depressive, in the family unit. CHR treats me with love and respect so that I, a hydrocephalic, alcoholic, diabetic, survivor of widower and divorcee, can achieve great goals with great support and that recovery is peace and that peace begins with me.
~~ Daniel

Hello! My name is John. I am from Korea. My life before coming to CHR formerly known as CHEEERS was full of confusion, depression, anxiety and frustration. My biggest challenge right now is overcoming the language barrier so that I can communicate better with people. Since coming here I feel like I have been doing better like I am more comfortable around people. I feel that I have come far in my life but still have a long way to go. I know now that I am not a worthless person, I am okay. I say affirmations to help me and to give me courage: “I’m okay,” “I can try,” “Do it!” CHR has helped me greatly through groups like Anger Management. I am learning how to vent my frustration in a healthy way through this group. I can also see more clearly my path in life. I do not work or go to school, but I think it would be cool to be a pastor so that I could help people. I have learned to control myself through praying, walking, listening to music and meditation. My medications also help me to feel calm and my symptoms are less frequent. My parents and four siblings pay close attention to my progress. They are impressed and proud of my accomplishments.
~~ John

My name is David and I am a peer. My challenges began in 2002, when I started to experience symptoms. I was feeling hopeless and helpless, like I had no purpose. I didn’t even want to continue on with living. I was diagnosed and placed on medication to assist me in coping with my illness. Although my medication was working, I still felt a part of me was missing. In 2012, I moved into an Independent Living Community where I was able to learn skills to help me become self-sufficient. One day, two Peer Support Specialists from CHR formerly known as CHEEERS came to the community and gave a presentation. The presentation sparked my interest. I decided to take the opportunity presented to me. The Peer Support Staff and Participants were very much like me. Once I enrolled with CHR, I got involved in my recovery. I worked with CHR to develop goals by completing my Recovery Service Plan, and I am now seeing my days with hope. I have found that part of me that was missing. I can see the accomplishments in my life appearing. I am now engaged to be married and will be able to share my recovery with someone who can see the real David. I’m thankful to everyone that has shown me that recovery is possible. If you set your mind to it, you can achieve your goals. I have hope for you and your recovery.
~~ David